Wednesday 9 December 2020

Lee Joon Gi Named 2020 ICON (Drama) By Cultura




2020 ICON 









2020 ICON










Lee Joon Gi, who has given an impressive and convincing performance as a ‘psychopath’ in TVN's masterpiece, Flower of Evil, has been named the ‘2020 ICON’ in the DRAMA category by Cultura, a serious and creditable magazine for drama and the arts. The drama, helmed by Director Kim Cheol Kyu, is written by Yoo Jung Hee. Various experts had been invited by Cultura to select the ICONS of 2020. The distinguished list comprises ICONS who have 'shone brightly' in each of their respective fields in 2020. This resounding stamp of approval that Lee Joon Gi is the 2020 TV Acting Icon has cemented his status and reputation as the Best Drama Actor, particularly, in 2020.


For Lee Joon Gi’s global fans, it’s a long-awaited acknowledgement; the sterling actor had been relegated to the background for far too many years. Although Lee has won many international awards for his acting performance, the endorsement from local organizations is long overdue but it is gratifying that this should have come from Cultura.

In her article, ‘Lee Joon Gi: Unexpected Charm and Hybrid Genre’ in Cultura vol. 78, drama critic and writer, Joo Chan Ok commends Lee Joon Gi as a superb actor. 




Joo Chan Ok lauds his acting performance, ‘The charm of Lee Joon Gi lies precisely in his unexpectedness’.

‘First, he has mysterious eyes. His eyes have monolids so there is sharpness in his long, slanted eyes. Most pretty men look pretty, whether they smile or they keep their mouths closed, but Lee Joon Gi has many different feels to him.’

When he smiles, he can be an innocent-looking pretty boy who’s more beautiful than any woman. But when he keeps his mouth closed and becomes expressionless, he comes off as cold-hearted. His face gives off the look of a cold-blooded assassin or murderer.’

‘Having said that, should I just say that he is not only able to portray many different things, but he can also swing between polar opposites?’



Lee Joon Gi had amazingly portrayed the impactful and powerful androgynous character of Gong-gil in The King and The Clown in 2005. In 2020 he has delivered an amazingly transformative performance in a most difficult role as a psychopath in Flower of Evil and has been named ‘2020 TV ICON’ by CULTURA.


It is difficult for any actor to play the multi-layered role of a psychopath, the protagonist of Flower of Evil but Lee Joon Gi had risen to the challenge of portraying Do Hyun Soo, a stoic man who has dark secrets to hide.

Do Hyun Soo believes himself to be incapable of emotions. His belief is grounded on the flawed assumption that he, being the son of a psychopath, is cold. He trains himself to smile naturally by relying on internet tutorials. Pretending to be a caring father and husband, he is cautious and does not allow his mask to slip.

Since Do Hyun Soo has lived a life of lies and has been emotionally repressed for a long time, he bows to the inevitable - he would be emotionally dead inside. Perhaps, this is the reason why he has slid down the ‘psychopathic path’.

Lee Joon Gi has played this multidimensional character ‘with several layers of consciousness’ perfectly.

Joo Chan Ok is of the opinion that ‘Do Hyun Soo is, in fact, a nice guy.’



(This issue of Cultura, which is available at the Gwanghwamun branch of Kyobo Bookstores, also includes a monthly drama review by Professor Kim Min Jung, ‘Various Faces in a Drama - Emotionless: A Flower Called Lee Joon Gi.’)







Coincidentally, journalist @park_joys has also shared her positive opinion of Lee Joon Gi's performance in Flower of Evil in the December issue of W Korea. She discusses cold male characters who are not able to ‘express emotions’ but has concluded that Lee, compared to the rest, is the best at portraying this type of cold character. She also considers Flower of Evil to be a well-made drama.