Monday 30 October 2023

The Sword of Aramun Episode 10 Lee Joon Gi's Groundbreaking Tour De Force Acting and Action Performance in The Sword of Aramun The Groundbreaking 2023 Television Series





















The Sword of Aramun, a beautiful magical tale, is entrenched in the rich culture and mythology of Korea. Like all other episodes, Episode 10 one could have been a book itself but the writers, Kim Young Hyun and Park Sang Yeon, have distilled the essence of the story into something meaningful. Viewers, who are swept up in the tale which is filled with so much emotion, great characters, action and excitement, are hypnotized. They can’t wait to savour the next episode.



It would be a sin of omission if one didn't mention that the globally popular Lee Joon Gi has flexed his acting and action muscles yet again as he demonstrates many layers of emotions and action skills in his stellar performance. Viewers rhapsodize over Lee Joon Gi’s inspiring performance in his dual roles as Inaishingi Eun Seom and Saya, the very heart and soul of this fantasy television series. His acting performance is stunning and electrifying; his action scenes are a combination of breathtaking poise, physicality and flexibility and set the heart beating with their potent sensual appealLee, the finest and most talented actor in Asia, shows his extraordinary sensitivity in his performance. A commanding force, he dominates the screen in Episode 10. 


The audience, who find themselves squealing, crying and sitting at the edge of their seats, cheer the gorgeous actor on as Inaishingi races against time to find a viable and effective tactic to counter Tagon’s evil fire attack plan. The audience are completely smitten by the allure of Inaishingi, who is secure in his masculinity; their hearts beat like a sledgehammer at all the twists and turns in the tale. The media’s accolades and praises have also ratcheted the globally popular Lee Joon Gi’s acting career a notch higher. The Sword of Aramun is another of Lee’s gifts to the Kdrama world, particularly his passionate local and global fans.








The other actors like Shin Sae Kyeong, Senior Actor Jang Dong Gun, Kim Ok Vin, and those who play the Ago tribe leaders have contributed to the unfolding of the narrative, and their acting performance carry the viewers along on a wave of enthusiasm and excitement. In this episode, one gets to like the Ago warriors even better, particularly Tae Maja played by Lee Woon San.



Episode 9 is heart pounding. It paints a picture of death by fire. The image of the raging forest fire is undeniably spectacular, revealing the powerful titantic tornado-like fire, the whirlwind fire. The genius director Kim Kwang Sik, the filming maestro, Choi Chan Ming and also CGI wizards have successfully enhanced the sense of wonderment of the viewers and provide entertainment and excitement for them. We are not privy to film and computer secrets, camera magic and illusions, and the complex CGI technology, which makes the unreal seem real. But, everyone is impressed with the work done by the crew.


The OSTS, The Chosen One and Knock Down The Giants, are superb.


The more one listens to The Chosen One, the more amazing and intoxicating it becomes. It fits the epic character, the majesty and the grandeur of the television series and the magnificence of the fantasy. The passion in the voice is obvious and the music is hauntingly beautiful and unforgetable.


It’s undeniable that Knock Down The Giants is also a wonderful OST. The music and song is beautiful, exhilarating, exciting and catchy especially the opening part which is stirring.


But the one thing we know is that they, the cast and the crew, have captured the imagination of the audience. Telling the horrific forest fire story, bringing it to life and making it realistic is a crucial yardstick of success of this fantasy television series.


It must be pointed out again that the viewers have been having heated discussions on The Sword of Aramun, that had never seen before during the screening of Season One. The episodes of The Sword of Aramun must have provided vivid points of view, great performances, exciting storylines and demonstrated the ability to stimulate reactions and responses. The Sword of Aramun and the actors have made a great impressions on viewers. You will notice the vested viewers watch every episode intensely and enjoy expressing their varying points of views. This brings the truth into vivid focus and perspective; only the best actors and best television series can stimulate such lively, animated and intense discussions on the Internet. A mediocre or a bad one rarely does.






Finally, the Real Aramun has officially come face to face with the Fake Aramun in a war. It was a Clash of Gods between the Eun Seom, the Reincarantion of the god, Aramun Haesulla, and Tagon, the false Aramun god.

Inaishingi’s face and cheeky smirk hypnotized Tagon; he was reminded of Saya’s final words, ‘I might die here like this. But you will die at my hands. Remember My Face.’


Stupefied by the vision before him, Tagon could only stare at him. The Arthdal soldiers, like Tagon, also thought they were in the presence of Saya’s ghost.

Amidst the chaos, Mirasol shouted instructions to kill the king.


Only when Inaishingi attacked him with his sword did Tagon come out of his stupor. Tagon, in his pretty military attire, tried to strike him. 

But Inaishingi’s physical flexibility and agility enabled him to leap and somersault, to avoid the blow.

Inaishingi, while rolling over, struck his sword into the ground. In one lightning move, the lithe and nimble Ago leader dexterously grabbed the sword, swiftly rose and flew or glided towards Tagon. 

It is poetry in motion.



In one lightning move, he grabbed the sword and rushed over to where Tagon was standing and struck a blow but Tagon blocked it with his sword. 

The reality was, although both were very strong Igutus, the brutal Tagon had the advantage. He had a sword that was wider and stronger. 

Pulling Inaishingi’s left sleeve up, he saw the slash scar on his arm. That mark differentiated the twin brothers. Inaishingi received the scar while trying to save Arok  at Ttesarichon. Tagon knew that he was not Saya.



Smirking and bemused, Inaishingi naughtily arched his head without even speaking, seemingly asked, ‘Now you know who I am?’ His eyes smiled at the king.


Realization dawned on Tagon who he was dealing with. The fear of the fake Aramun rose as he faced the real Aramun Haesulla. It was a fear that he had yet to defeat.

Suhana’s words returned to haunt him, ‘The name of the stranger who became Inaishingi is Eun Seom.’ He also remembered the warning that the day when The Sword, The Bell and The Mirror appeared together, his world would collapse.

Tagon, who experienced cold fear, was not going to allow the prediction to be realised. It was surprising that suddenly Tagon, an Igutu, was imbued with superstrength. Grabbing Inaishingi, another Igutu, he smashed him to the ground. 

The kinesthetically-intelligent Inashingi leapt high up in the air. As he descended, he thrust his sword powerfully at Tagon but Tagon avoided the blow. If he hadn’t, the outcome would have been devastating. 

It must be mentioned that Lee Joon Gi's action scenes catch everyone's attention; his amazing agility and sensual physicality are a delight to watch.



Inaishingi’s power stare worked on him psychologically. The final moments of Saya and his stinging prediction played on Tagon’s mind. ‘You are a fake. No. we are all fake. You must have heard of Inaishingi riding Kanmoreu.’ Mentally tortured, he swung his sword crazily at Inaishingi.


On spying the divine horse, Kanmoreu, Tagon’s ambition gripped him. Inaishingi followed his line of sight.


Tagon rushed towards his target, the horse of the heavens. Inaishingi wasn’t going to be robbed of his special horse but he had fallen on the ground.



Leaping clumsily up the horse, the king attempted to ride off with it. But, Kanmoreu would have none of it; it was no ordinary horse. None but his master could ride it. Tagon found himself back to where he started. When Kanmoreu reared, it unseated him. Tagon fell heavily to the ground and to reality. He was not destined to be the real Aramun Haesulla.



When he looked up, Inaishingi had regally mounted the divine horse and straddled it. 

What emerged was a striking picture of Inaishingi against the rising sun. His mounting of the stallion was such a masculine yet sensual move that it showed who the real reincarnation of Aramun Haesulla was. Inaishingi had given the women in the audience heart palpitations.



‘It’s not a legend. The real one is coming. The real Aramun’. 

Inaishing turned back confidently and majestically as Tagon addressed him, ‘Eun Seom of the Wahan tribe, Saya’s benetbot and Inaishingi. Were all of them you?’


Inaishingi responded with a triumphant smile, I’ll become the reincarnation of Aramun Haesulla with Kanmoreu.’  



Making a mental note of the bloody slaughter, he ordered the Ago warriors to retreat.



Tachukan ordered Mirusol to retreat with the rest while he held fort. ‘I’m not trying to save you. Are you trying to get the others killed?’


The madman lurked beneath King Tagon; he was obsessed about chasing Inaishingi. Yeonbal restrained him; he realized that it was fruitless to pursue the enemies who were withdrawing to the forest. Although the forest was their foothold of the Ago warriors, he thought that the armoured infantry in the forest would finish them off.



Yeonbal had to hold the frustrated Tagon down telling him ‘It’s Inaishingi who rides Kanmoreu. We cannot catch him. I don’t really know why but that really is Kanmoreu.’

Tagon was in denial. He screamed at the top of his lungs, ‘He’s not Aramun. I am. I am Aramun.’



Yeonbal made a stunning statement that he, Gitoha and everyone else in the Third Corps were not following him because he was Aramun; they were his loyal soldiers because he was Tagon. The king woke up from from his delusions.



The war ended in a stalemate. An impasse. Tagon’s war strategy had gone awry because of Inaishingi’s intelligence and heroism.






Walking with Chaeeun, her adoptee sister, in a misty place, Nunbyeol discussed Eun Seom’s war against Tagon. Chaeeun emphasized that her Neanthal sister was more important to her than revenge.


‘I hate myself for acting so foolishly.’ The spirited girl hated herself for having hesitated and she promised herself that she would never hesitate again. She would kill all of them.


Chaeeun, fearful of her sister’s killer instincts, urged the younger girl to leave with the Neanthals. Issruv and Nusanaho, the Neanthal men, appeared. 

She told their male friends that they needed their help. They talked about Rottip, the Neanthal with an independent mind. The lone ranger had left them in search of someone who knew their background.



Issruv revealed that the person who saved his life and raised him was from Arthdal so he knew the language.



They narrated the story of two brothers who were separated a hundred winters ago. It seemed that the descendants of one brother was back. 

Rottip was in search of the mysterious woman who knew who they were.






A merchant of false news was circulating the good tidings that Arthdal had won the war and the Ago tribe had escaped to Achi Hill. But, someone pointed out to the bearer of false news that since the warriors were still in the Arth forest, it meant that the war had not ended. There was no shortage of people trying to spread false news in Arthdal and this one was exposed.







Rottip, one of the surviving Neanthals, visited a woman. He had a picture of a pendant with finger patterns. The descendants of a strange and mysterious tribe had already arrived in Arthdal.



A couple and their children spied the drawings that spoke of Aramun Haesulla.

It was shocking that the mysterious woman whom Rottip was searching for was Sahati, the most vengeful gosal or ghost in the world. 

She had helped young children to rid themselves of their emotions. Having the feelings like fear, joy and sadness removed from them, the Zombie-like young people, the Children of Sahati, become fearless assassins. Those who survived their harsh and punitive training become adults with black tongues like Yangcha.



Chaeeun and her sister listened as the Neanthals narrated the story of the Sahati whose identity the Sarams were ignorant of. Sahati shared a very ill-fated history with the Neanthals. When the Asa clan came to Arth, the Neanthals were already there but the Sarams, fearful of them, wanted to drive the Neanthals out. Sahati created beings, who knew no fear, to become assassins.



Sahati might know about the strange descendants of the mysterious Neanthal brother who left that part of Arth a long time ago. He left saying that he would take revenge on Sahati one day. It was uncertain that the descendants were Neanthals or Igutus.








Overcome by curiosity, Chaeeun inquired about  the word Ikomahis.

The explanation was given. Ikomu meant promise. Ahis meant brother.  Ikomahis meant Brother of Promise.


Eknad, a Neanthdal, talked to his companion about someone having the pendant with the finger patterns.


Fate must have smiled on Saya who had been saved by Yeobi in the Gambal mountains. 

He was given a drink to get rid of the after effects of the Mahasin poison. 

Having slept for a long time, he was unaware of the happenings in Arthdal. He was told that he had drunk the Mahasin and not the fatal Bichwisan poison. Mahasin made a victim look dead for some time but he would soon recover from it.


He was briefed on Taealha‘s plan to escape to White Peak Mountain, Tanya’s confinement in the Great Shrine, Tagon’s war against the Ago warriors and Gilseon present dominant position in Arthdal.












Tanya had been cloistered from the outside world. She was informed that Inaishingi had not been captured but it seemed to the people in Arthdal believed the war had ended. 

But it was not the case. Inaishingi and the Ago warriors were trapped on Achi Hill. The background of one of the images seemed to be the image of a web.

She relied on Moa and Doti’s secret reports on the war and the successful dissemination of information on the birth story of Aramun Haesulla, his twin brother, and their Igutu heritage through the graffiti drawings by the Whisper Organization.



Yeolson, Dunji and Mungtae had also seen the drawings on the walls but Yeolson told them to ignore them. 

Mungtae, who had captured Bakryangpung, conveyed what he had seen to him. Condemning Tagon as the fake Aramun, the latter angrily described how Mubeck, Saya and Tanya had tried to dethrone Tagon. The question was, ‘Would Mungtae be able to accept Inaishingi as Aramun?




Th war reached a stalemate.



Tachukan and Dachi had been captured and as usual, the voluble Tachukan was not going to be brought down that easily; he was relentlessly yelping and barking at his captors, especially Gitoha.










Tagon was uneasy; he knew that his soldiers had also seen Inaishingi’s face which was identical to that of Saya’s. Yeonbal claimed that they were twins and had plotted together to dethrone him. Arthdal had been fooled by the identical twins.


Obsessed with the title of Aramun Haesulla, the king needed confirmation if the horse was really Kanmoreu. The great name of the god was tied to the divine horse, Kanmoreu but failing to gain control of the horse, Tagon was in distress.


Yeonbal posed the question as to the reason why Tagon had named his iron sword, The Sword of Seed, in the first place. The sword symbolised the beginning of destruction, slaughter as well as prosperity. Tagon, a twisted, demented character, was bent on the total annihilation of his enemies in the age of prosperity.



‘Seed’ has many meanings. It may mean ‘sperm’ implying (violent) heirs or descendants.  It also brings to mind the religious belief, Seed Faith (Prosperity Theology or Wealth Gospel) which propogates the idea that financial blessing and physical well-being are always the will of God and that faith, i.e. donations of money, will increase one’s wealth. The destruction of true or long-established beliefs or teachings has been opposed as heretical by mainstream evangelists. The reality television series, Preachers of L.A., which is about pastors of the prosperity theology, associates them with, ‘hair extensions, luxury cars, pontificating, preening and epic delusions of gradeur.’

Though Yeonbal was loyal, he was evil because he sided with an evil and brutal leader. He encouraged the king to establish a new reign stamped with the name Tagon rather than foolishly tying his name to the long-held belief of the ancient legend of the second coming of Aramun Haesulla.




Tagon had surrounded the Achi Hill but the path into the hill was too narrow, a bottleneck, for their huge army to enter and make an impact. Since they couldn’t attack all at once, the damage on their side would be considerable unless they found a way to win the war.



The Ago warriors knew that they were completely surrounded. Prolonged warfare could be disastrous for them. The master stategist, Sun Tzu wrote 2,500 years in The Art of War, ‘Victory is the main object in war …….. History has shown there has never been a country benefiting from prolonged warfare.’


But, similar to in the moral law expounded in The Art of War, the warriors would follow Inaishingi ‘in life and unto death without fear for their lives and undaunted by any peril.’


Looking at the map they had, Daisae pointed out the path back to Molabeol Castle had the most soldiers stationed there. Ago only had 60% of the able-bodied soldiers left to fight. Mirasol was not sure whether Takuchan and Dachi were captured or dead. Ipsaeng gave a frightening picture; Arthdal had 3 more times their troops. Badoru had depressing news - their supplies were low.




At this time, Chomo told them that a messenger from Arthdal had arrived.


Yeonbal, the Arthdal commander, was the messenger. Inaishingi had met him before. Inaishingi asked, ‘Do I look exactly like your general?’ The other told him both brothers were enemies of Arthdal.



Inaishingi stressed that everyone in the Arth continent was Arthdal’s enemy.

Yeonbal’s message was Tagon had cut off all waterways to Achi Hill. Ago might not have noticed it  now but this vital piece of information was a diplomatic gesture. Ago were the masters of the forests but could they live without water?

When Inaishingi threatened to behead him and send his head back to Tagon, Yeonbal informed him that Tagon wished to meet him the next day at sunset. Each leader was to be accompanied by only two escorts.









The sunset was beautiful. Inaishingi was accompanied by his fiercest warriors, Tae Maja and Mirusol.



Inaishingi noticed the fresh cuts on the trunks of the trees as he moved in the forests. What was the Arthdal army up to?



Tagon was accompanied by Yeonbal and Dupa.


A negotiation table had been set up under an open tent.


It was obvious Tagon’s seat was set up to be slightly higher so that he could look down and dominate Inaishingi in the negotiations. It was also aimed to put him at a disadvantage. Tagon was using paychology to demoralise Inaishingi and to wear him down.

Intent on toying with Inaishingi’s emotions, Tagon’s first words were, ‘There is no doubt that you look so alike.’ Inaishingi wrongly thought Tagon was comparing him with Saya. Instead, the king was comparing him with Ragaz, his father.



What Tagon was about to say would be crushing to Inaishingi. He refered to Ragaz, the Neanthal, who had died at his hands during The Great Hunt. Ragaz, a great hunter, fought and terrorized the Daekan soldiers until the day he died. Countless soldiers under Tagon’s command died at his hands.



The crunch came at the right moment. Tagon revealed that the Neanthal was his father. It was a great tactic to weaken the Ago leader psychologically. Psychological warfare at close quarters had been launched against him.

The confident Inaishingi can be seen faltering; he was emotionally affected. The piece of personal information had impacted him; his mouth trembled and his eyes teared up.

Tagon intensified the blow. To make him feel small, he stressed that Ragaz, a great warrior, was way much better than him, Inaishingi.

Ignoring his barbed insult, Inaishingi wanted to know what had happened to his father. Tagon couldn’t suppress his mirth and mockery. The other man looked confused. He dramatically drew a graphic picture of Ragaz’s last moments. Then, he added the ultimate pulverizing revelation in full measure.

The slick and overconfident Tagon triumphantly boasted, ‘I shot his neck with an arrow. Dozens of Daekan warriors rushed to him immediately and hacked at him with all their might. Clear blue blood spewed out like waterfall. It’s vivid although it happened a long time ago.’

Tagon held the ace card in his hand. He was exploiting a weakness in human nature with his gruesome details. Emotions and feelings were vulnerable to suggestions.


It seemed for a moment Inaishingi’s confidence was swayed and his emotions had gripped him so tight that he almost suffocated. He was devastated and motified at the horror of his father’s last moments. The graphic details of his father’s death made him sick. He sobbed quietly as the full impact of the slaughter of his father sunk in. One heroic and super strong Neanthal warrior against so many of Arthdal’s elite Daekan soldiers.

Smiling maliciously, the cruel Tagon sighed with a tinge of cruelty, ‘It was unspeakably miserable.’ 

What would the great Sun Tzu say? He would admonished him for being boastful. Humility was important. True cleverness or bravery should be concealed lest his enemy get to know of his capability.

When Inaishingi lifted his head, the viewers knew that his momentary mourning was over. He could have been sucked into an abyss of despair but he had a grip on his emotions showing how emotionally intelligent he was. From Tagon’s words, Inaishingi could ascertain the king’s own vulnerability.


The IQ of the Ago chief was intact. The knowledgeable Ago leader had his wits about him. His defiant and nasty rejoinder stung Tagon like a swarm of angry bees, ‘I’m sure it wasn’t as miserable a death as your father, Sanung, who was killed by his own son. Since you witnessed both, think about it. Whose death was more miserable?’



Shaken by the bitter truth, Tagon’s facial expression changed. Inaishingi’s words have trumped his strong ego. Tagon realised that Inaishingi had the upperhand.

Inaishingi continued stabbing at Tagon's conscience, ‘At the moment of their deaths, who do you think felt more terrible? Ragaz’s death was heroic while Sanung’s death was savage and unnatural; he must have writhed in agony at his son’s inhuman betrayal. The truth hit Tagon like a ton of bricks.

The IQ of the Ago chief was intact. The knowledgeable Ago leader had his wits about him. His defiant and nasty rejoinder stung Tagon like a swarm of angry bees, ‘I’m sure it wasn’t as miserable a death as your father, Sanung, who was killed by his own son. Since you witnessed both, think about it. Whose death was more miserable?’ Tagon was guilty of not only regicide but also patricide. His story was a story about royal patricide, the killing of his father, a ruler, and its consequences.



Showing a defiant face, Inaishingi lifted his eyebrows triumphantly to show that he had won this round of talks.




Tagon asked Inaishingi whether he was trying to be Aramun Haesulla. The latter told him that he was not, but he will become the great god.

Their philosophical talk changed direction to reveal character and ambition.

‘You want to become something but I want to do something. You do something to become Aramun but I want to be Aramun to do something.’ It was a huge revelation. It was illuminating to all when Inaishingi stressed that he wanted to create ‘a world where being weak isn’t a sin, a world where being powerless isn’t a sin.’

Tagon laughed at his unattainable ambition. It was a ridiculous idea; that kind of world wouldn’t become a reality even after 10,000 years. It was just a dream and Inaishingi was being delusional.


Unperturbed, Inaishingi, with a face full of determination, he insisted that what was important was the step towards that direction. Tagon’s goal would surely end with his death. He just wanted fame and glory. But the path Inaishingi was taking would be his legacy for posterity. He would create a legacy that would be immortalised in the history of the Arth continent. His legacy would outlive him and continue for generations to come after his death. He wish was that his life would make a difference to the world they were living in.

Inaishingi’s eloquence left Tagon speechless for a moment. He viewed it as grand rhetoric but he finally conceded that, ‘fighting with you even after your death sounds horrible.’ He offered a truce – he would open a path for him and the Ago warriors to survive. He would clear the troops ahead of him in the Pine Tree forest at the North of Achi Hill so that they could pass through safely. They were to emerge from the forest to Molabeol Castle.

But knowing the treacherous Tagon too well, Inaishingi smirked. His incredulous expression spoke volumes of his inner thoughts.








Tagon hoped Inaishingi would be different from Saya. Since he raised Saya differently, he presumed that he would be different from Inaishingi and Ragaz, their father. He has offered saya a lifeline if he would kill Tanya, the High Priest but he declined. It was no choice at all; it was between the devil and the deep blue sea. Saya chose the lesser evil and drank the poison without any hesitation.

But in the end, it showed that even when they were separated at birth, they were still the same in certain ways which were important. Blood was thicker than water. It was Nature that bound them together. The twins may be different at surface level but deep down they were made of the same iron will. The difference in environment made no difference to their real character. They were not breeds apart.



Inaishingi demanded that Tagon not waste time but to state what he wanted from them.


There were 2 items on Tagon's agenda; he wanted Inaihingi to hand over Suhana and Kanmoreau in exchange for Tachukan and Dachi.

Mirusol was surprised they were alive.

Inaishingi asked whether he really wanted to keep the title, The Reincarnation of Aramun Haesulla that badly. Being the owner of the horse doesn’t ensure that he is Aramun Haesulla.



Angered, Tagon rose to his feet and pounded on the table. Mirusol and Tae Maja were ready to strike but Inaishingi held up a hand to restrain them.

‘You don’t know what the name means to me or how many people I have killed for that name.’ 

He accused Inaishingi of claiming that title, Aramun Haesulla, as his own.


The cool, calm and collected Ago leader mocked, ‘You are tightly bound to that name.’ His immortal taunt, ‘How pitiful!’ would be remembered by all.



Later, they would realize that Tagon's show of anger was fake. It was a thumping lie.

The talks ended when Tagon demanded to meet two days later, before the sun set.







The Ago leaders were happy that their comrades, Tachukan and Dachi, were alive.


The burning question was Tagon’s actual plans and how to counteract him. They brainstormed and presented their ideas on how to fight Tagon.


Handing over Suhana was no problem since she had been a traitor to them but to Tae Maja, gifting him Kanmoreu, the horse of the heavens, was a difficult decision. It would demoralise the warriors.

Mirusol was worried Tachukan would try to kill himself if he knew he would be exchanged with the horse.


But, Ipsaeng pointed out that this wasn’t the real issue. He asked the thought-provoking question whether they could trust him or not. Tagon had promised that he would open up the path to Molabeol. Was it true?  This was when one realises why Inaishingi appointed this bumbling country bumpkin as one of his advisers, and righthand man.


Dalsae also wondered whether he had to go that far for the horse. Was Tagon using it to distract them from important matters.

Badoru reminded them about what Karat had said about the one who blocked flowing water would be eternally unfortunate.


Inaishingi after listening to all sides of the argument had to make a wise decision. Battle was not only dangerous but exhausting; it required skill, intelligence and discipline to emerge triumphant, much less unscathed. He had to make an important life and death decision.








Taealha had locked the door of the bedroom from inside. A maid had gone in but never came out. A guard with a sword also hadn’t reappeared. Gilseon was worried that the queen could subdue a guard easily without a sword. But it was a rooftop prison. They deduced that she wasn’t trying to escape but was trying to commit suicide.



They smashed open the door to find the maid and the guard dead but Taealha was still alive. She was brought to the treatment room but she subdues the doctor and one of the two guards who were ordered to guard them. Taealha took the opportunity to knock the doctor and one of the guards unconscious. The other guard told her Tanya was also planning for her escape.

He then declared the queen had escaped but she was still in the palace.



Tanya knew that the queen would head to White Peak Mountain. Now that the king and the queen were busy elsewhere, Tanya ordered that 3 pillars of the palace to be brought down. Arthdal would then collapse.

After her escape, the queen met Yeobi and together, they were up to something.






After his recovery from the Mahasin poison, Saya returned to Arthdal. He was surprised to discover the grafitti on the rocks by the beach of the Great Gochiju Rock. 

The drawings, similar to the rest, depicted the story of his brother and himself, their birth and Aramun Haesulla. Tanya was also featured in the drawings.





The important Ago leaders immediately gathered to brainstorm again.

Inashingi spoke of the fresh cuts on the trees that he had noticed earlier in the forest. It showed that he was observant. He, suspecting something was amiss, gave them a big picture of what was happening.

The intelligent and perceptive and war-savvy Inaishingi suspected that Tagon had no intention of clearing the way for them. He had already analysed the war situation and he had sent Chomo to search for clues to confirm his suspicion.


Chomo had reconnoitred the area and studied the trees in the forest. He returned with the confirmation that there were many cuts on trees in the Pine Forest and resin was flowing out.

Tagon was treacherous; his intention was clear. Inaishingi’s theory was Tagon would attack them with fire – a massive fire attack. 

A scorched earth policy. He would set the forest ablaze and burn them to death. Tagon had already blocked the streams to deprive them of water. His strategy was to destroy everything that allows the Ago warriors to be able to fight the war. Tagon’s aim was to drive them into the pine forests where they would have a fiery death.





The place of exchange of the captives and the path that Tagon promised to clear for them lay in the path of the Northwind. With the continual flow of the resin, they can imagine how easily the trees could catch fire.


The trade-off would happen at sunset when the north east wind gets stronger. They would be in a ginormous kiln with no exit in sight and they would be burnt to death. Tagon’s Scorched Earth Policy demonstrated that he was a bloodthirsty monster.

What would Sun Tzu, the military sage, say in this case?

The wisdom of Sun Tzu which comes to mind, ‘Know yourself, know your enemy, one hundred battles, one hundred victories’

Knowledge is power. Forewarned is forearmed.



Dalsae proposed fighting fire with fire to which Tae Maja agreed. They, too, could play with fire, as long as they could lure the Arthdal soldiers to the direction of the wind.









Inaishingi was feeding and petting Kanmoreu; he and his equine friend were going to part ways. Overcome with sadness, he spoke lovingly and tenderly to the stallion, ‘Wherever you are, wherever you go, come back to me, Helper.’  It was a moving moment. Inaishingi had bonded with Kanmoreu.




Suhana was brought out. Turning, Inaishingi told her the news that Tagon wants her in the exchange of prisoners. 

Cut of curiosity, Inaishingi questioned her about their secret relationship. Her story was Tagon and her met in the Saenyuk Tribe when they were very young. Sanung, Tagon’s father, had hidden Tagon, his Igutu son there. They grew up together and Tagon had saved her life and Yangcha’s life.


Suhana asked a pertinent question. Did Inaishingi have to sacrifice a loved one in this battle? The question seemed to have shaken him.







Everyone gave their insights into the fight against the fire attack intended by Tagon. Everyone was right. Their arguments to defend their position was convincing. Inaishingi took their opinions into consideration. There  were factors they couldn’t change but they could change their location.


How should they face the problem? As the lively discussions sailed back and forth, an ingenius idea dawned on Inaishingi.


Sun Tzu had advocated that leaders must do the unexpected and pursue the indirect approach to catch their enemies off-guard.

‘All warfare is based on deception … When he (the enemy) has the advantageous position, prepare against him ……. Attack where he is unprepared; appear where you are unexpected.’


Deciding on the brainwave, Fighting Fire with another Fire, to beat Tagon at his own game, Inaishingi masterminded an ingenius attack on the Arthdal army. He proposed that they send a small number of elite warriors to set fire at the rear of the enemies.

It is known that Pine trees have flammable resins. Resin is highly flammable; it catches fire easily. When one tree on a hill catches fire it spreads spectacularly. If successful, the Arthdal army would be severely impacted. The fire, fuelled by combustible vegetative matter like dried leaves, grass and shrubbery, and accelerated by the fierce winds, the fire would sweep through the forest floor to trees at canopy level. And the air would be filled with poisonous fumes.



 A huge whirlwind fire might start. It was extremely dangerous. It would be a calamity if they can set fire behind their rear. The forest would be a sea of fire. Even if it succeeded, those who lit the fires may not come back alive.

The warriors solemnly agreed to do it. They got ready bags of dry combustible pine cones that could be ignited to set the fire in the forest. Huge jars of flammable resin to quicken the spread of the flames were also prepared. 

The courageous men led by Tae Maja and Chomo were to complete their tasks before sun rise. No rescue team would be dispatched so they had to succeed.


The Ago men crossed the rugged and rocky Amdol Mountain undetected.







Both armies were prepared for war. They lay in wait for the leaders to return to plan for the next move.

Inaishingi together with Mirusol moved towards the exchange points. 

Tagon went forward as well. Yeonbal led Tachukan and Dachi forward.


Inaishingi moved forward followed by Suhana while Mirusol led the horse.


Tagon smiled at Suhana and she responded in kind.


Inaishingi stabbed his sword into the forest floor, so did Tagon.


Tagon wanted Kanmoreu first. He would send Tachukan at the same time. Tachukan objected loudly; he forbade sacrificing the horse.


'Did it make him happy to have subordinates dying for him?' Inaishingi asked Tagon.


Tagon said it was excruciatingly painful but showing his pain was cowardly. He would be ruthlessly no matter what pain he felt.






The sun had risen in the sky. Chomo and Tae Maja had reached the rear of the Arthdal army but they were not successful in setting the trees on fire.








The horse was in Tagon’s hands. Tachukan was already released.


Tagon revealed his true colours. What he had said about being obsessed with the title Aramun and Kanmoreu didn’t ring true all along. 

It was all an elaborate pretence. He reminded Inaishingi when they met in Arthdal that that everyone was putting on an act in front of them and he should not trust anyone. He emphasized that everyone, including himself, should not to be trusted. He had even put on an act of madness in the palace, deceiving and fooling everyone, even his queen and Saya.

Pulling out a sword, he slashed Kanmoreu and blood gushed out from its wound. It was inhuman act, an act of animal cruelty. Callous to the extreme, he would not allow the real Aramun to own the divine horse. He was the classic dog in a manger. What he could not have, would not also belong to others. He couldn’t be the real Aramun since the divine horse had rejected him.



The callous Tagon shouted Inaishingi was naive. ‘Do I look like I was crazy over Aramun? I don’t need stuff ike that.’

He had been the fake Aramun for a long time but since he could not be Aramun, he didn’t want anyone to have Kanmoreu.

Inaishingi was clearly distraught. The anguish and pain on Inaishinghi’s face was heart-breaking. In that heartbreaking moment, Tagon's face was a blur.

Mirusol threatened to kill Suhana if Tagon did not release Dachi but he killed Dachi anyway. 


In response, Mirusol stabbed Suhana to death. The female warrior was vicious; she stabbed Suhana multiple times in her mad rage.


Inaishingi swiftly retrieved his sword and lurched forward to attack Tagon. They fought but Yeonbal urged the king to retreat. Tagon had to be prudent since he had important business to attend to.

Meanwhile, Tae Maja was experiencing a hard time getting the fire started. An enemy soldier noticed their presence; they had been acting suspiciously. The Ago  warriors were startled by the fierce fight that erupted. The Arthdal soldiers were closing in on them. Chomo was able to start a fire. Rushing to one easily combustible tree, he successfully threw a jar of resin at it but he was killed before he could start the fire.

The others must have succeeded as smoke rose to the sky. Fierce winds swept through the forest.


From this incident, one can conclude that Tagon is not only evil but also vicious, treacherous, malevolent, vile and brutal. He was guilty of a multitude of sins.

1. He robbed Inaishingi of his beloved horse, the divine horse, Kanmoreu, who was linked to Inaishingi's greatness and reputation as a celebrated war hero and leader.

2.  He killed the divine horse, the legendary horse of the god, Aramun Haesulla.

3.  He killed Dachi, an Ago warrior and leader, whom he had promised to release during the peace treaty.

4.  He allowed Suhana, his beloved childhood friend, and spy who had served him loyally for over 30 years, to be killed.

5.  He promised the Ago warriors a safe passage through the forest but planned a horrible fiery death for them in the forest instead.



Inaishingi, who had rejoined his army, instinctively felt that Tae Maja and Chomo had failed in their mission to set fire in the rear. 

Badaru reported that Tagon’s army was heading their way as expected. Mirusol reminded them to retreat to the south of the pine forest or they would be done for.



The Ago leader emphasized that their plan would be useless if their rear fire attack failed.


It was an emergency. It wasn’t necessary to ruminate on their plans anymore. Inaishingi ordered Ipsaeng to lead the troops out of the forest. Everyone knew what Inaishingi intended to do; they oppose him from going personally to the aid of Tae Maja.


‘Believe me. I will set fire to the bottom of Amdol Mountain behind the enemy’s rear. Retreat to the south as planned and get ready.’ 

The master mind of the counter fire attack will himself carry out the terror attack. A horrible end would be unleashed upon Tagon and the Arthdal soldiers.



Ipsaeng fiercely objected to his decision to put his life on the line. ‘Inaishingi’s life isn’t yours!’

Inaishingi retorted ferociously with fire his eyes, ‘I should sacrifice someone else. But if the Ago army is destroyed and Inaishing alone survives, that’s not Inaishingi anymore. On this battle field, there are no superior or inferior lives. I can do it best.’

 He thought, without pride or arrogance, that he was the best person to do the job.


The fire counterattack was his brainchild; he wanted to ensure the success of their mission but a win could not be guaranteed. Inaishingi showed his leadership skills by delegating duties to them as well as showing them his heroic qualities. He was flexible; he modified their plan to suit their predicament.


We can visualise Sun Tsu nodding in agreement, ‘ … Thus, the one who can modify his tactics according to the enemy situation shall be victorious and may be called the divine commander.’








Inaishingi would risk getting close up and personal with a forest fire. He, himself, must be willing to go into the jaws of death like anyone else.


Mirusol and Tachukan offered to go with him on foot.  They hope to emerge from danger unscathed.


Ipsaeng, Dalsae and Badoru were left to lead the warriors.


A soldier reported the armoured infantry were in pursuit of the Ago warriors. A strong gust of wind was blowing through the forest. It was a good sign for Tagon who thought that the pine forest would be turned into a sea of fire. But he did not know that it was a bad omen.


Another soldier reported that someone who looked like Inaishingi and two other comrades had headed north. Tagon stuck to the original plan but he sent some soldiers to stop the three of them.



Tae Maja was not going to be detered by the men who surrounded him.


Inaishingi arrived to aid Tae Maja after fending off some Arthdal attackers. He leapt into the air to strike down Gitoha.


Armed with a torch and holding onto a tree trunk, the Ago leader slid expertly down a gentle slope to Tae Maja and managed to touch Tae Maja's lighted torch with his torch. 

It is an action stunt that is impressive.



Leaping towards the tree to light it, Inaishingi failed to achieve his objective as he was blocked by the troublesome Gitoha. Although he had the upperhand previously, he failed to stab Gitoha to death; it was his mistake. 

Gitoha was able to spear Tae Maja to death but before he died, the valiant warrior stubbornly refused to give up; he successfully lit the resin on the tree.

Inaishingi was devastated; he had lost 2 valuable lives to the enemy.







The Ago warriors retreated to the south as quickly as their feet could carry them.


Tagon was preparing his soldiers to fire arrows at the retreating warriors but they smelt smoke in the air. The forest was aglow with flames which spread wildly. Had he fired the flaming arrows to the south, Tagon would be trapped in the raging fire. A whirlwind fire or fire twister came their way and many soldiers in the north was burnt to death.


It seemed Tagon was stupefied; he was rooted to the spot. He was fascinated by the fire that had descended on them. He had wanted to set the forest on fire but did not expect the same fire tactic would to be used on him. The table had turned against him.


Meanwhile, Inaishingi and Mirusol had escaped from the fire. Tachukan, who had held fort for them, had probably escaped as well in the chaotic conditions.




Don't do unto others what you don't want others to do onto you.



The intense heat made visible by the rising smoke and ash, the noxious fumes and the whirling eddies of air made it unbearable for anyone to linger in the forest.





The escaping Ago warriors were fortunate survivors. They reached the part of the forest that they had prepared their strategic rows of sharp stakes.



The Arthdal soldiers, who were in hot pursuit, soon reached the place. As the forest floor opened up, a long rope tied across their path appeared, and the soldiers tripped and fell headlong to their deaths. Arrows were shot at the others. Badoru slaughtered the soldiers who arrived in continuous waves.

Inaishingi was not just heroic, he was also an intelligent, shrewd and smart leader. His war tactics seemed to be at one with the strategies proposed by Sun Tzu. He had implemented counter-measures swiftly.

Speed is the essence of war. Take advantage of the enemy’s lack of preparation; move by unexpected routes and attack where he has made no defence.’

The forest fire grew stronger as it was fuelled by the  tumultous winds. The rate of spread of the fire ws accelerated by the winds. The whirlwind fire advanced towards Tagon. Whether he was alive or dead remained to be seen but Tagon’s defeat signalled the death of  his reign. He tried to destroy his enemies by fire; he himself was destroyed by it.

Warriors and soldiers died needlessly in the hostile environment ravaged by fire. It was a war to end all wars.

Inaishingi had led the Ago warriors to victory; they won the war against Arthdal.

War is a tragedy.