Sunday 26 December 2021

Imagine Lee Joon Gi as Cloud Strife in Final Fantasy VII















Imagine Lee Joon Gi as Cloud Strife, the main protagonist in Final Fantasy VII. That would be FANTASTIC. A fantasy come true for all his global fans. Cloud Strife is mostly recognized by his distinct hair style and trademark enormous buster sword. Lee Joon Gi looks eerily similar to Cloud Strife. It would be awesome if he can star as Cloud Strife in a life-action movie or television series. The animation and artwork images of Lee Joon Gi as Cloud Strife are produced by one of his very passionate and creative fans.

According to ( Cloud Strife is the main protagonist of Final Fantasy VII and a recurring character in the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, appearing as the main protagonist of Advent Children and Final Fantasy VII Remake, and a supporting character of Crisis Core, and In Dirge Of Cerberus and the Dissidia Final Fantasy series.




Cloud Strife is a handsome young man that stands at 5'8" with a lean and toned build. He has spiky blond hair which, in Final Fantasy VII, features one particularly long spike. Cloud's hair has become one of the trademarks of his appearance, although in later appearances the spikes have been toned down. Cloud has blue eyes, which glow due to him having being exposed to Mako. He wears a silver earring in his left ear.







Cloud Strife is an expert swordsman. His weapon is the iconic Buster Sword, a massive sword several feet long which he wields in most of his appearances. In Final Fantasy VII, he has access to the most powerful weapons in the game including his other trademark weapon, a set of Fusion Swords, which he uses in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. The set consists of six individual interconnecting swords that form a larger sword similar in shape and size to the Buster Sword.



Cloud’s outfit in Final Fantasy VII is the standard uniform for a 1st Class Soldier: Indigo pants with a sleeveless shirt and a belt. He wears brown boots, gauntlets with a pauldron over his left shoulder and a Soldier band on his left wrist. This is the uniform he wears for most of his other appearances, with slight variations.