The trial was not over until it was not over. Bong Sang Pil didn’t think that it was time for celebration yet since the trial was not over. Hae Jae Yi argued that even though the footage might be a bit blurry, the two persons in the video clip were still recognizable. The video and photographs were strong pieces of evidence that was undeniable.
The court decision could go either way but Bong was confident that the video evidence would be approved. However, they had to find the real murderer who was still at large. The only way to win the case was to put the real murderer in jail.
Ha Jae Yi lectured him, reminding him that he was not a detective but a lawyer.
She was surprised that the Ohju Group was related to the murder of the Mayor.
Tae Kwang Soo updated them on the situation. He informed Bong that the GPS tracking device was working erratically and they had to hurry. They were tracking down the Secretary of Chairman Ahn Oh Ju.
Bong gestured to her to board the vehicle.
A curious thing was happening at a traditional noodle shop. Ahn
Oh Ju was bowing to the framed photograph of Judge Cha Byung Ho on the wall.
He told Seok Gwan Dong that the judge had advised him that everyone should be able to find themselves to be of some use once in their lives.
Ahn Oh Ju’s manner was smooth and slick when he divulged that those inspiring words of wisdom were conveyed to him when he was of the same age as Seok. The gangster boss implied that he was passing down those precious words to Seok, from one generation to another. Would he be passing the baton of leadership to Seok in the future?
‘Who would have thought that you would be the one to take care of the campaign site? We should never let go of such an opportunity.’ It implied that it was an opportunity that came only once in a lifetime.
Could his remarks be construed as manipulation? Did Seok get the real picture? Did he catch on?
Ahn Oh Ju's flattery successfully enticed Seok into his web of corruption and intrique.
Tae Kwang Soo seemed to be not only computer savvy but also an expert photographer. He
was using a huge camera to film the meeting of two criminals, Ahn Oh Ju's secretary and an unknown person.
Ahn Oh Ju’s secretary was secretly meeting the person who could lead the Lawless Law team to the Mayor’s murderer.
Tae sent a video clip to Bong Sang Pil’s sophisticated phone. Bong showed the video to his car passengers. Geum Gang recognised the unknown individual as the number one human trafficker of Ki Seong. The criminal apparently could ship anyone off to somewhere distant, perhaps even to Timbuktu. He used to own a construction company.
Later, the audience would learn the real nature of his work. He was, in fact, a fixer; he was the contact man to go to if one wanted an assassination to be carried out.
Ahn Oh Ju’s secretary came out of the building. The three of the lawless team tried to hide themselves.
Bong Sang Pil and Ha Jae Yi were squashed in the front seats. To Bong’s surprise and probably, delight, Ha Jae Yi buried her face into his chest. It was certainly a tight squeeze.
If it hadn’t been a very tense and difficult moment, it would have been very romantic.
The lawless lawyer team in the car had been working hard to
crack the murder case. Everyone had to play their part well.
The three strong fellows were going to do some very physical or
violent things so they left Ha Jae Yi to her own devices in the car. She
wanted to be part of the action but thought better of it. She was to lie in wait to block
the escape of suspicious characters.
The men climbed up the building to search for the human smuggler. Bong’s two underlings were fully equipped with fighting weapons,
one steel rod or pipe each. Geum Gang wondered if their boss needed a weapon
They arrived at the front door of the criminal's apartment. It was the norm
for Bong Sang Pil to be clothed in stylish and expensive tailored suits that
showed his toned physique to perfection. He did not, as a general rule, want
his splendid suits to be ruined by either man or weapon. But, would the hunt for the criminal ruin his
handsome suit?
Bong was more worried about his suit than the violent animal behind the door. The two thugs were ready with their weapons.
The boss knocked on the door but there was no response so he
rang the doorbell. A face appeared. Before the smuggler could slam shut the
door, the lawless team were all inside.
Dragging the poor fellow to the roof of the building, they dangled him over the wrought-iron railings that overlooked the winding staircase. It was
quite a precariously balancing act for the thugs. The poor man’s life was
hanging by the thread of his pants.
Despite persistent persuasion, the smuggler refused to talk.
Exhausted, the thugs shrewdly complained that he was just too heavy
and they couldn’t hold on any longer; they threatened to let go.
Finally, the criminal disclosed his clandestine mission. Some
people wanted him to smuggle a mysterious person into China on that very day.
He was in the dark about the person’s name but the man’s photograph had been sent to his mobile phone. That particular man was supposed to meet him there.
On looking around, Tae Kwang Soo spotted a suspicious person on the floor below. The suspicious character was casting furtive glances left and right. Hey presto, they had found their prey!
In their haste to catch the murderer, they were distracted and had almost forgotten the smuggler who was trying to escape.
THE HOUND. Bong Sang Pil bent over the railings to have a closer look at the person whom they assumed was the murderer. Bong, the relentless hound, was just in time to see the vigilant man trying to flee.
Never underestimate a lawyer. The lawless lawyer was nimble on his feet and bounded down some flights of stairs before he decided to do something risky.
THE JUMP FROM THE BANNISTER TO THE GROUND. Two floors above the ground floor, Bong Sang Pil sprang up the bannister only to leap down to the ground floor to catch his quarry.
The other man reached out for some boxes which he threw in Bong’s direction.
When they ran out, the escape route was blocked by a rubbish disposal truck, so the killer ran to the other narrow alley where Ha Jae Yi was waiting in the car. She flung open the door to trip him.
On seeing her quick reaction, the mischievous Bong Sang Pil, although hot on the heels of the criminal, was effusive in his praise, ‘Nice job!’
As Bong chased the criminal, he noticed that the alley had opened
into a busier road.
LEAP INSPIRED BY BALLET. The traffic was moving but the cars were crawling along. Bong Sang Pil leapt over a white car. The athletic and supple lawyer resembled a ballerino performing the splits in mid-air.
When his feet touched the ground, he ran hurriedly through a dark, congested alley.
Ha Jae Yi was following him closely in her big black car.
When they emerged from the darkness, they, man and machine, were on another road with a stream of heavy traffic. Cars were lined up in a row.
The criminal escaped by jumping onto the bonnet of a car and then, onto the roof. From one car, he leapt to another.
PARKOUR LEAPS. Bong Sang Pil, the athletic lawyer followed. He sprang up the bonnet of the first car at the intersection and then, leapt up onto the roof. He found himself bounding from one car to the other without stopping.
Finally, when they landed, they were running along a narrow
stretch of road which was parallel to a wider road which Ha Jae Yi was using.
The hunted man, not only had a woman chasing him in a car but also a man earnestly
pursuing him on foot.
Bong soon arrived in what seemed like a small-scale cottage industry area. The place seemed congested.
Two workers were busy at work rolling up a length of cloth and they were oblivious of the fact that they obstructing the narrow street.
When Bong emerged from the narrow street into the main road,
both man and machine met in an open road. Ha Jae Yi was driving her car
towards the criminal.
The fleeing criminal, who was clearly visible in the open space, was an easy target. It would not be difficult for him to be captured. Ha Jae Yi tried to block his escape path with her car.
Startled, the wily criminal rushed towards the subway station.
Bong Sang Pil, sleek, lean and athletic like the swift hound, was tenacious and stubborn in the pursuit of his prey.
It has to be emphasized that Bong’s training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and other martial arts had given him the edge as an athlete. Running exercises were an important component of his Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training.
Bong caught up with the murderer as he was about to pull open the subway station door.
The man hit him but Bong managed to duck.
Grabbing hold of the man’s waist, Bong turned him around and slammed him against Ha Jae Yi’s car.
Without thinking, Ha Jae Yi pushed open the car door and poor Bong was thrown off balance, slumping to the concrete floor with the criminal landing heavily on top of him. Being in the advantageous position, the criminal quickly recovered and scooted off as quickly as he could.
Bong almost lost sight of his prey in the milling crowds. The subway station was thronged with swarms of people. He rushed through the crowd and saw the man leaping down a flight of stairs.
THE LEAP OF THE PUMA. None was prepared for Bong Sang Pil’s
amazing PARKOUR LEAP. When Bong leapt after his prey, the legal eagle soared
into the air; his legs lifted up as he flew and his hands were spread out
like the wings of the eagle.
He seemed to have glided over the flight of stairs.
When Bong Sang Pil landed, he thought that he had lost his prey. This time there were fewer people. He turned around and managed to smell the man’s presence.
The criminal was grappling with one of the maintenance workers who was locking up the door of a room which was out of bounds to the public.
The criminal barged through the door and Bong Sang Pil rushed in after him. But, the criminal had disappeared into the thin air.
The Subway Tunnel. To the surprise of the audience, Bong went
through another door which opened into a dark, narrow underground tunnel, the
subway tunnel.
A creepy, eerie and forbidding place.
Tunnel Vision. Bong Sang Pil’s tunnel vision had brought him to
a situation which would turn out to be a blood-curdling confrontation. Bong
was unable or too stubborn to see the dangers that lurked around him. Much of
spine-chilling dangers had yet to dawn on the reckless lawyer. The threat to his life and Ha
Jae Yi’s had not occured to him.
But, would he have understood even if it was spelled out for
him? Bong Sang Pil only saw his immediate goal; he was single-minded in his
pursuit of the criminal who was the final piece of the Mayor’s murder puzzle.
Catching him was all that matters at that moment in time.
The Hunter and The Prey. The criminal was lurking in the
shadows and was waiting to ambush Bong. The man lunged from behind and both men
tumbled onto the train tracks. Both leapt to their feet and stood with their
feet planted on the railway sleepers.
Bong Sang Pil squared his shoulders cockliy, straightened his stylish
and elegant suit jacket while the criminal studied him in surprise.
The latter advanced aggressively to strike him but Bong swiftly
blocked the blow.
Bong gave him a right jab but the man managed to avoid it.
Then, the criminal tried his luck another time by grabbing
Bong’s left hand. There was a tussle for control; Bong managed to push him
away. Bong was swift and gave him a right hook. The other man was thrown off
balance and backed away.
Bong was ready; he spread his legs in a boxing stance with his
fists close to his chest.
The man jumped to kick him but Bong just managed to avoid the
kick. The man attacked him aggressively with a left hook but Bong expertly
swayed out of the approaching punch. The man lost his balance and fell to the
Again, Bong Sang Pil had his fists ready but he moved back when
the man advanced towards him. The man tried to bash him but Bong threw a counter-punch.
The criminal grabbed hold of his right arm and kneed him in the
stomach. He pushed Bong’s head and kneed him again. Bong tore himself violently
away but found himself thrown against the tunnel wall.
When the man lurched at him, Bong grappled with him, grabbed
his arms and smashed him with unthinking ferocity against the wall.
By this time Ha Jae Yi had found them. She was horrified to see
them fighting on the railway tracks. The subway was a deadly fighting arena,
even for fights to death.
The man came back to punch Bong with his lead hand, his right
hand, but the lawyer turned away nimbly and let the punch slip past. When
another punch came his way, Bong bobbed and weaved to evade it.
Charging at the man, Bong landed a right hook to his jaw. It
was a killer punch. The murderer teetered and was finally knocked off his
feet. The criminal was almost exhausted.
Bong Sang Pil was confident of his fighting skills. He had a
smug look on his face. But, there was no room for complacency.
Then, much to the audience’s surprise, the criminal whipped out
his switchblade. It dawns on the audience that a hired killer was not so
easily defeated. If he couldn’t fight
with his fists, he would fight with blade weapons.
Could a switchblade unseat Bong Sang Pil’s dominance in the
fight? Bong let his gaze sweep over the criminal. The criminal was in the
dark about Bong Sang Pil’s fighting skills with weapons. The lawyer had probably been
playing with knives since the age of 10.
A feral gleam began to light up Bong Sang Pil’s eyes. The
murderer pointed and swiped the switchblade at Bong.
The lawyer swerved to avoid the slash of the blade. He punched
the knife-brandishing man. It was a powerful right hook. It was quite a nasty
bang on the head. The man nearly lost his balance and lost his confidence; he
finally looked scared.
On the man’s next attack, Bong, who had already expected his
move, grabbed the criminal’s knife-wielding hand in one swift move. The sharp
weapon fell among the gravel and stones.
The man tried to grab Bong’s wrist but Bong grabbed him tightly
by the neck. The vice-like choke nearly suffocated the criminal. The man
struggled for some time before he could escape.
The struggling and pushing was so forceful that both landed on
the ground, rolling on the railway tracks.
Bong was tougher and stronger; his spirit, tireless. He quickly
picked himself up. Then, he leapt up to give his enemy a violent kick. The
man fell almost inert to the floor.
Suddenly, the criminal pounced. But, Bong quickly subdued the man by gripping him firmly by the throat. Turning him around into
a tight Brazilian Jiu Jitsu standing rear choke, Bong almost stopped the criminal from breathing.
Parkour Leaps. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Running. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Standing Rear Chokes.
Boxing Moves. Are we finally convinced that Bong Sang Pil is a multi-talented
athlete and Mix Martial Arts fighter?
As Bong Sang Pil held the man in a tight chokehold, he questioned the criminal.
‘Who ordered the murder of Mayor Lee Young Su?’ Bong threatened him if he didn’t reveal the secret, he would have to testify in court.
A train had appeared. Ha Jae Yi was stunned. The murderer ran to her side of the wall. Bong Sang Pil was at the other side of the tunnel.
The murderer had picked up the fallen switchblade and he had also grabbed hold of Ha Jae Yi. He was threatening to kill her.
Bong Sang Pil was fear-ridden. The girl he secretly loved was in great danger. The image of his mother being threatened and killed popped out in his mind. He had been too young then to protect his beloved mother. But now, he was grown-up and very strong.
Bong’s voice shook with rage when he ordered the killer to drop the knife. His eyes, like laser-sharp weapons, stared at the killer.
‘If you dare hurt her even a little bit, I’ll kill you!’ he threatened.
Driven to insanity, he lurched towards the hit man and took hold of the blade, twisting it out of the man’s hands. Although Bong’s palm was bloodied, he managed to wrest the knife away.
Rationality had flown out of the tunnel. Bong Sang Pil had run amok; he was a raging bull let loose. He snarled and pummelled the man mercilessly until blood spilled out. He couldn’t even hear Ha Jae Yi’s frantic cries for him to stop.
In his maniacal rage, he had pushed her away and she was thrown to the ground.
The petrified hit man spat out the truth. It was Chairman Ahn Oh Ju who had ordered the killing of the Mayor.
The criminal wanted to show Bong some evidence but it would be difficult to pin the gangster chairman down.
A train was fast approaching. There was no time to lose. Ha Jae Yi was rooted to the spot, paralysed with fear and horror.
Bong’s reflexes were swift. He sprang into action and lifted her up just in time to avoid the wheels of the train.
Another twist in the tale. Shock lay in wait for the audience. The hit man had, unexpectedly, leapt into the path of the fast-moving train.
He had decided, in one lightning moment, to commit suicide. A horrifying end to a life of brutality and violence.
It was surprising too that the tough and rough Ha Jae Yi could be so easily traumatised.
But, the young lady was apparently a softie at heart. It was probably the ghastliest incident of her life.
Bong Sang Pil’s mask had been removed. At that moment in time, he was neither the sophisticated suit-loving lawyer nor the playful and provocative thug that he pretended to be.
The lawless lawyer’s deep feelings for her were exposed. In trying to rescue her, he forgot himself, injuring his hand in the process.
The fear that she might be injured had turned him into a man who was possessed. He was a different person altogether. If he had gone over the edge, he could have become a killer. It was difficult for him to step away from anything that involved Ha Jae Yi.
The sight of him gone berserk struck fear into her heart.
And, watching a man throw himself into the path of a train came as a horrendous shock to her system.