Seok Gwan Dong reported to Ahn Oh
Ju that Bong was on his way to the nightclub.
Ahn Oh Ju gave specific instructions to Seok Gwan Dong to give Bong Sang Pil a choice: either death or surrender the Criminal Defense Lawyer job.
But, Seok Gwan Dong did not want to give him a choice. The gangster from Seoul and his henchmen were waiting for Bong’s arrival. The stage was set.
They turned the music up when Bong Sang Pil arrived. The spotlight was turned on the lawyer, the star of the show.
Bong made a grand entrance as he stylishly descended the huge stairway which led to the spotlit stage.
Seok Gwan Dong was like the Master of Ceremonies holding on to the microphone as he announced the arrival of their special guest, Bong Sang Pil.
It was an appropriate prelude to a spectacular nightclub performance.
Ha Jae Yi, who was tied to what some referred to as the stripper's pole, was also in the spotlight.
The scene sizzled with excitement. Ha Jae Yi seemed unfazed now that her knight in his fashionable suit had appeared.
Bong Sang Pil cheekily declared that Ha Jae Yi was none the worse for wear and tear.
She inquired if he had given up the trial. He pronounced that everything was okay; Tae Kwang Soo, with his army of ever-helpful crew, was holding the fort at the judicial court.
Tae Kwang Soo had taken over Bong Sang Pil’s place as the Criminal Defence Lawyer and seated himself at the defence table with the accused, Wu Hyeong Man.
His boss had left him to do what was required. He was to impersonate a lawyer.
Luckily, he was well-groomed and dressed smartly like his boss unlike the five goons who were dressed in their gaudy shirts which were suitable for a night out for thugs.
Judge Cha glided in. She had been advised that Wu Hyeong Man had got himself a new Defense Lawyer. But, she was not prepared for the hullabaloo that would precede the trial.
She questioned Tae Kwang Soo directly, ‘Are you Bong Sang Pil? He replied that he was not but he was Bong's partner.
One could almost hear the giggles. 'The Partner'.
For most prosecutors, the presence of Tae Kwang Soo without Bong Sang Pil in the court would have sowed confusion, but Kang Yeon Hee, the Prosecutor knew exactly what to do.
Kang explained that Bong Sang Pil had left the courthouse hurriedly. The detractor in her declared that it was damning evidence that Bong was panic-stricken and had second thoughts about defending the accused.
He had fled even before the trial began.
Judge Cha asked if the partner stuff was true.
Kang Yeon Hee was rather dubious about it; she seemed to have smelt that something was amiss.
Tae Kwang Soo tried his best to look dignified.
The Prosecutor walked across the room and tugged at his shirt. Part of his tattooed chest could be seen. He was a gangster, not a lawyer.
She had exposed him for being an impersonator in a charade. Pretending to be a lawyer in a court of law was a huge crime.
At that point, the proceedings were interupted by Geum Gang and his goons, who burst onto the scene to create a deafening racket.
Geum Gang shouted, ‘Where is the conman? Judge, I’m going to kill him!’
The court was overshadowed by the presence of the boisterous thugs and goons. Geum Gang pretended that he was going to attack Tae Kwang Soo. Someone locked the courtroom door. Pandemonium broke out in the criminal courtroom.
It must have been hard for one to keep a straight face.
Justice Cha could do nothing except to resort to calling for order or rather banging her judge’s gravel on her bench. She threatened to kick everyone out.
But, she could not dictate to those involved. The unruly intruders were not her minions.
Visibility was low. The lights were blinding. Was the place foggy? Gangsters were crawling all over the place. A place breathing of corruption and injustice.
Bong Sang Pil took stock of the situation and stood in the
spotlight waiting for the right moment to strike.
He did not underestimate his opponents but did his opponents, particularly Seok Gwan Dong, underestimate him?
The atmosphere was intense. Bong realised that it would not be easy to free Ha Jae YI as he knew the place was swarming with hoodlums. He clenched his jaw but did his heart jackhammer? No, Bong Sang Pil was calm even though his Office Manager was tied up.
Seok Gwan Dong claimed that he wasn't prepared during their last encounter but now he was ready.
Bong Sang Pil’s eyes took on a metallic gleam. He held his fists up to indicate that he was ready to fight. He was like a performer in a nightclub.
What Bong meant was they should get ready for his punches and his kicks. Once they tasted them, they would know what fear is - they would freeze and be rooted to the spot! The Disc Jockey was playing loud music for his live audience, especially for Bong Sang Pil's benefit. It must have irritated the lawyer. CAN-KICKING Attack. There was a awe-inspring moment when Bong Sang Pil used his swift and powerful Taekkyeon Side Kick to kick the noisy DJ in the face with a can. The DJ was Bong Sang Pil's first conquest, an easy opponent to defeat. He leapt onto the stage and then jumped onto the floor and charged forward again.
With his right arm, he intercepted the blow of another assailant. Seizing him by the arm, he pushed the thug away.
He simultaneously executed a kick at another assailant.
He bolted forward and knocked off some thugs along the way.
Next, he ran from one pole to another, sweeping away everyone in his path.
The pace was so fast and furious that it was almost impossible to follow Bong Sang Pil's attacks. When he took hold of the second vertical pole with one hand, he chopped another hoodlum with his free hand.
ACROBATIC MOVE. Finally, when he reached the last vertical pole, he caught hold of it.
No one expected his next move - a jawdropping piece of action. Leveraging himself onto his side, he lifted his body off the ground and swung his legs swiftly in one amazing spinning acrobatic 360° move, sending a startled thug staggering to the floor. One can appreciate the strength and artistry involved. It seemed like a Taekwondo Tornado 360° kick; with his hands gripping the pole and his body spinning like a powerful weapon.
The fantastic martial arts move was sexy, acrobatic, athletic and graceful.
THE LEAP OF THE PUMA. In a flash, to the complete surprise of
everyone, Bong Sang Pill made an impressive leap into the
His sudden powerful flying jump bore a striking resemblance to the Leap of the Puma. It must have shocked his audience who had not been prepared for such a Herculean leap. Awesome.
THE 'ONG BAK' FLYING KNEE ATTACK. As suddenly as he had leapt, Bong Sang Pil swooped down 'Ong Bak' style. He landed with bent knees on the shoulders of one of the thugs who was trapped by the sudden attack.
The leap was so high and the Flying Knee Attack was so powerful that when Bong Sang Pil landed, he not only drove the thug to the ground but also landed on top of him. The poor victim crumbled unconscious to the floor.
It was such an amazing, sexy and explosive aerial takedown.
He seemed to have leapt, flown, glided in the air before finally crashing onto his opponent. The distance and accuracy of his precision leap was magnificent. With such strength and speed, Bong Sang Pil could be considered a super athlete.
All the thugs, with flailing arms, backed away and Bong leapt swiftly to his feet.
The viewers are certainly blown away by the sudden high adrenaline rush. A breathtaking and astonishing martial arts move.
Someone tried to kick him and Bong executed a kick for kick and the thug fell.
But, he was compelled to look over his shoulder. In one split second, Bong had executed a Spinning Back Kick against the advancing thug. Is that kick from Taekwondo, Karate, Kickboxing or Muay Thai?
Then, Bong executed a sudden Side Kick on another attacker.
She screamed when a bald thug rushed up after Bong Sang Pil while he was untying the ropes that bound her hands together.
He managed to kick him away.
Not surprisingly, the sly Seok Gwan Dong charged at Bong Sang Pil from behind.
His vicious blow, when it came, did not miss its mark. A glass bottle came crashing onto Bong’s head and shattering into pieces.
Bong Sang Pil was stunned momentarily; he tumbled back and nearly lost his balance.
But then, he quickly recovered and leapt back on his feet to clobber Seok Gwan Dong before the thug could attack Ha Jae Yi. Then, Bong Sang Pil grabbed Seok Gwan Dong ferociously by the neck and gave him a powerful right hook. Impeccable moves.
When Bong Sang Pil figured that there were no more evil mobsters
to fight, he swiftly led Ha Jae Yi out of the carnage. Bodies lay crumpled in
the hazy darkness of the nightclub.
The fight was an upset that Seok Gwan Dong would never forget. Bong Sang Pil had executed so many awesome martial arts moves. Are they the moves from Mixed Martial Arts? |
After defeating the thugs, Bong Sang Pil and Ha Jae Yi raced to
the court in of course, his reliable and speedy Chevy.
Bong explained that he had to come to her rescue as she had
been kidnapped because of him.
Ha Jae Yi realised Bong Sang Pil was injured; there seemed to be a discomfort in his neck. He had put himself in harm’s way to rescue her. Was she surprised that there might be more to Bong Sang Pil than met the eye?
She ran her hand round his neck and placed a handkerchief at the back of his head to staunch the blood. His head jerked. His lips parted slightly. He turned and looked at her in surprise.
She seemed too composed and unaffected; she kept her expressionless eyes on the road ahead. The fact that he had come to her rescue had probably fed her imagination.
He laughed. His flesh must have tingled. Touched by her warm gesture towards him, he eyed her silently.
What had she done with his insides? Was he aglow with love for her? His adrenaline spiked.
Bong Sang Pil smiled as he remembered the day that she smacked
the sexist judge.
Flashback. Bong Sang Pil and Manager Tae, who were in the courtroom, were smiling at the courtroom drama playing out before their very eyes. Ha Jae Yi was recklessly punching the sexist and chauvenistic judge and yelling at him.
Two men came to the judge’s rescue but Bong had stretched out his leg to trip the first one. The other one fell because he could not stop in time. His smile widened and he laughed at her Ha's sheer audacity.
Bong Sang Pil and his sidekick seemed to have stalked her afterwards; they watched her as she walked along the street. Being in distress, she was oblivious of their presence.
Tae Kwang Soo commented that she had been fired from her law firm. Bong Sang Pil was thinking of hiring her as his Office Manager. How was he going to do it?
The Mousetrap Trap. It was finally revealed that the way he hired Ha Jae Yi was an elaborate set up.
Bong Sang Pil had given instructions to Geum Gang, the leader of his new army of 5 minions, to collect the debt that Ha Jae Yi’s father still owed. It was the perfect ploy to compel her to come to his office.
When the hot-headed suspended lawyer punched him, Bong Sang Pil had sent her to be locked up in the huge mousetrap, the police cell!
The evidence that he had set the trap to compel Ha Jae Yi to work with him in his law office had finally been revealed!
Bong Sang Pil looked at her again. The painful memories of Ha Jae
Yi’s mother came flooding back. She had helped him to escape.
As strange as it sounded, what had happened to his mother had also happened to Ha Jae Yi’s mother.
Bong Sang Pil’s fate was intricately linked to Ha Jae Yi’s.
The Red String of Fate was unravelling.
According to an ancient Chinese tale, an invisible thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place and circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle. But it would never break. The gods had tied an invisible red thread around the ankles of Bong Sang Pil and Ha Jae Yi.
The brainy and brawny lawless lawyer may be a powerful fighter in all his wars and battles. He could verbally fight other lawyers or the Prosecutors in court battles, and also physically overwhelm gangsters in violent fights.
But, his biggest battle would be the war of the heart.
Bong Sang Pil reminded Ha Jae Yi that the courtroom battle that was about to begin was also her battle. It would open Pandora's Box.
Recharged with energy and all fired up, they raced to the
The courtroom was in complete chaos. There was a surge of relief when his gang heard that he was on his way back.
The court of law. There was
absolute mayhem when Tae Kwang Soo started swinging a fire extinguisher recklessly,
spraying a dense cloud of choking dust in the air. The courtroom, a place of
corruption and Injustice, was filled with clouds of fog and smoke. Complete
chaos. The panel of three judges, including Justice Cha were a helpless mess.
Soon, Bong Sang Pil and Ha Jae Yi arrived; they appeared in the courtroom in slow motion amidst the veil of
choking fog.
Bong Sang Pil swaggered towards Justice Cha.
Flashback. Bong Sang Pil saw Justice Cha Moon Sook in his mind’s eye.
In the pouring rain, she had instructed Ahn Oh Ju to kill mother and son, that is, Choi Jin Ae and Bong Sang Pil.
The Present. Bong Sang Pil stood in front of her. Judge Cha
requested that he made his identity known. He identified himself as Bong Sang
He was bent on revenge. The journey to avenge his mother was beginning. There would be layers of history for him to dissect.
Staring with intensity at the Presiding Judge, Bong Sang Pil declared ominously: ‘The trial begins now, Judge Cha Moon Sook’.