Bong Sang Pil was single-minded and indefatigable in his aim of wearing down Wu Hyeong Man with his daily visits. He had mastered the art of hustling; he did not wait for inspiration, he lunged at it. He would changed tactics if his first tactic didn’t work.
He visited Wu Hyeong Man once again to weaken his resolve. He continued to try to establish rapport and hustle to sway his client.
The lawyer brought devastating news. His wife was critically ill. Wu should try to get out. There was only a shadowy hope that things might improve for him if he remained obstinate.
By then, Wu Hyeong Man was stumped by Bong Sang Pil’s dogged determination and persistence. He was, in fact, more curious than the most curious cat about the lawyer from Seoul.
Who was Bong Sang Pil and why was he so fascinated with his case?
Why, Bong seemed to have a vested interest in him, a captive within prison walls! His very own lawyer did not even try to feign interest.
The lawless lawyer felt the ache of his emotional wounds. He had dwelled on his mother’s murder for years. Even in the best of times, the dark weight of that memory haunted him. He was not going to whitewash his unspeakable sorrow.
Since he could not change Wu’s mind using friendly persuasion, Bong finally decided to remove his mask.
A change of tactics would work. Persuasive words were not enough. Wu Hyeong Man needed a healthy dose of threatening words and a bit of reality.
The weight of his eyes was on the accused. He smirked and asked the former detective about his scars from the forceful teeth bites of a determined little boy many years before.
Some people had a selective memory. 18 years had passed. However, it seemed unlikely Woo Hyeong Man would have forgotten his ugly past.
He couldn’t forget even if he had wanted to. Bong Sang Pil had a crazy look in his eyes.
Bong revealed the heart-wrenching truth about the courageous lady lawyer who had been killed by their group of crooks led by Ahn Oh Ju. He was the son of that courageous lawyer.
Bong Sang Pil’s grand plan or mad obsession, if Wu Hyeong Man didn’t know already, was to kill him when Bong got him out of jail.
Vendetta. He drove home the point that he was going to kill him, not inside but outside the prison. He viciously spat out that it was the reason why he wanted so badly to take on the case. Vengeance shall be his.
Bong Sang Pil got up close to the accused. He was almost unglued; he stared unwaveringly and with such a frightening savagery directly into the eyes of the accused that the latter was shaking in his shoes. Did Wu Hyeong Man have a choice? Die inside the prison or die outside of it. It was Hobson’s choice. But, there was a possibility that if he chose the second one, he might come out of it alive to see his wife. |