Shackled. Handcuffed, Kim Hyun Joon
elicited sympathy. Whatever was left of his self-confidence had crumbled away
with the cold metal of the handcuffs clamped around his wrists. It was not
that often that profilers were handcuffed. But Kim Hyun Joon was a shocking victim
of injustice and he was pacing nervously in the interview room in the
Cheongju police station.
He remembered the day that Mo Ji Eun was
found dead on the banks of the Nadeul River. He was with Dae Soo. Both were
suspects but Dae Soo was the one who was arrested for her murder.
In a Cheongju restaurant, Choi Sang Woo was having his meal complete with beer and Soju. He was still haunted by the past. His flashbacks included an instance when he had been lying unconscious on the floor. Someone was caressing his face. Upon awakening, he instinctively looked at his chest. He was apparently relieved to find that he was still fully clothed except for his unbuttoned shirt.
The NCI team led by Kang Gi Hyeong arrived to confront him about the fact that they knew what had happened to him at the Youth Training Centre. They had been following a trail of clues to discover the truth behind all the lies that had been perpetrated all those 14 years. The case was full of intrigue with many variables to be solved. The NCI was compelled to enlist his help to bring the real killer to justice.
Choi Sang Woo had been molested by Kim Jung Soo, the Chief Administrative Officer of the Youth Training Centre which was run by the Cheongju Youth Institute. He was shown a photograph and asked to confirm the identity of the man who had sexually harassed him.
The Team Leader requested his cooperation in the murder case although it was hard for him to do so since his life must have changed due to his encounter with the perpetrator. Team Leader Kang pointed out that there were more boys who had been victimised by the pervert.
Choi was questioned about the incident that happened during the Pollack Festival in August 2003. It was a festival to celebrate the Pollack fish industry.
Some scandalous information was dragged out of Choi Sang Woo. On that day, the young Choi had avoided being sexually harassed although he had been scheduled to be on duty to clean the Training Centre. It was hinted at that the boy who was tasked with cleaning duties would be sexually harassed by Kim Jung Soo.
Choi revealed that Kim Jung Soo’s favourite male target was Kang Ho Young but he was his second target. The sexual harassment was not explicitly explained; it was only hinted at. Those slew of abusive incidents that the boys were embroiled in changed their lives forever.
Nana Wang dug out information about the 41-year-old sex offender, Kim Jung Soo. He was the Chief Administrative Officer at the Cheongju Youth Training Centre a few years before the Nadeul River murder.
He was likely to be an illegitimate child since he was not mentioned in the family register.
It was strange that his car and his house were registered under Kim Hyun Joon’s name.
The NCI team gathered to discuss the case. Considering how much effort they were putting in, it came as no surprise that the Team Leader Kang also wanted information on Kim Hyun Joon. He wanted to leave no stone unturned to unravel the murder mystery and the secrets that the younger profiler was hiding.
Nana Wang described Kim Hyun Joon’s details. It seemed that he had been interrogated a few times in the past. After his father died, he must have had a rough time.
He entered the Police Academy after he received a scholarship from the Cheongju Youth Institute. His family comprised his mother and older brother. His brother, Kim Tae Joon, was still locked in a coma in the hospital after being paralysed in a hit-and-run accident. Another piece of information was Kim Jung Soo did not have any credit card or cellphone records.
Kang Ho Young, one of the suspets of the Nadeul River Murder had still not forgotten about his awful experiences with the passage of time. Kang Ho Young wanted to meet up with Kim Hyun Joon to pass him some information.
In a previous meeting, Lee Han had raised the question, ‘Why did Kang Ho Young choose Kim Hyun Joon over the local police and detectives to divulge all his secrets concerning the murder case?’
Yoo Min Young speculated that Kim Yung Soo killed Mo Jin Eun to prevent her from breathing a word to the others. The records stated that he went to the Training Centre on a business trip on the day she was murdered. So, what was his perfect alibi to prove his innocence?
Lee Han then showed Team Leader Kang Kim Hyun Joon’s statement to the police. He directed his attention to the fact that Kim Hyun Joon had changed his original police statement. At first, he testified that he saw the man who took the victim, Mo Ji Eun but later, in his supplemental report, he changed his statement. His credibility was put into question.
Something must have struck Kang Gi Hyeong’s mind because he suddenly rushed to the interview room to draw out the truth from Kim Hyun Joon. The rest of the profilers, Detective Oh and Detective Tae also followed him.
How was Team Leader Kang going to crack the difficult case as it involved one of his team members?
Kang Gi Hyeon, the interrogator and Kim Hyun Joon, the accused, sat across each other, their hands on the table. Both were seemingly relaxed. Suddenly things changed. The interrogation was supposed to be like a conversation between the Team Leader and his subordinate teammate. But no, it went off to a terrifying start. Kim Hyun Joon was beginning to understand what it meant to be on the other side of the law.
'You have been investigating this case by yourself for the last 14 years.'
Kang Gi Hyeon pointed out that although Kim Hyun Joon had been investigating the case by himself for 14 fruitless years, it was unusual that despite being a suspect, he refrained from divulging certain facts that he actually knew.
The young profiler locked eyes with the other man.
Although taken by surprise, the younger profiler did not frown at what the other man was saying. But, he was baffled at his Team Leader’s unexpected savage attack against him.
'What are you trying to say?'
He nearly snapped at the older profiler when Kang Gi Hyeon suggested that he had only wanted to find out the deadly secrets about the murder but at the same time, he also wanted to avoid finding out the real truth.
Kim Hyun Joon had played the interrogator several times in the past, so had Kang, but Kim Hyun Joon’s situation had changed 180 degrees. Tension was building up between the two NCI bedfellows who were now on opposite sides of the law.
The way the interrogation unfolded created feelings of animosity in Kim Hyun Joon which he tried hard to conceal. Kim Hyun Joon’s eyes revealed his suspicions about his Team Leaders’s intentions. He felt that the Team Leader was toying with his feelings. Was it the beginning of the clash of the NCI titans?
‘You were investigating the case with ambivalent feelings because you’re hiding something that you can’t tell others about.’
So, what was Kim Hyun Joon hiding? When Kang Gi Hyeong provided the answer, he had effectively caught Kim Hyun Joon off guard.
‘Isn’t it because the murder case has something to do with someone who is important to you?’
Kang then revealed that he knew of his brother who has been lying in a coma in the hospital after an accident.
There was a modicum of truth in the accusation. Kim Hyun Joon must have felt guilty. His pain and anguish could be felt but he suppressed his feelings as he stared at Team Leader Kang.
If Kim Hyun Joon wanted to look indignant, he couldn’t. In a calm but accusatory tone, he coldly asked, ‘What does that have to do with this investigation? There was no look of incredulity but his expression had suddenly turned cynical. ‘Did you do a background check on me?’ One could sense the slow burning beneath his seemingly calm exterior.
Kang Gi Hyeong ignored him and continued, ‘You probably saw your brother on the day Mo Ji Eun was murdered.
In your statement, you mentioned that a tall man who wearing a cap had met Ji Eun.’ Kim Hyun Joon almost glowered at him. There was no way he could prevent Kang’s duplicitous plans of cornering him. Manipulation. He was furious.
‘At first, you thought it was your brother.’ He stared at the Team Leader.
‘But afterwards, you retracted your statement. Why did you do that? Was it because you suspected that your brother, Kim Tae Joon, might be the perpetrator?’ It was true that Kim Hyun Joon had feared the worst. Kim Hyun Joon’s mind was churning and he was thinking fast. His eyes darted. When he tried to remember the incident, his eyes shifted to the left. Then, they shifted to the right, trying to think of an appropriate answer to fend of the latter’s accusations. He hadn’t thought that Kang Gi Hyeong would have been able to discover his secrets. His mind was a tumultuous storm and his thoughts were swirling crazily like typhoon winds. His body grew tense. ‘At that time, you thought it was the best way to protect your brother. The fear that your brother might be a murderer tormented you. After the accident, there was no way of finding out the truth.’ Kim Hyun Joon looked to the left trying to recall the horrendous accident which changed the lives of his family. He was trying to suppress the rising pain that flooded his being. Although he was enraged, he told the older man to stop. His irritation showed that the profiling was spot on. Having Kim Hyun Joon all riled up, Team Leader Kang grimly pressed on his advantage. ‘You would also have thought hard about why your brother killed Mo Ji Eun, if he was the real murderer in the Nadeul River Murder case.’ By then, the highly-strung Kim Hyun Joon had raised his eyes and glared at him, thundering at him again to stop but the aloof Team Leader was unimpressed. ‘Fourteen (14) years ago, some young people were sexually harassed in the Training Centre,’ Kang continued. Kim Hyun Joon’s resentful eyes seemed transfixed on Kang Gi Hyeon’s face. Was he insinuating that Kim Hyun Joon was one of the victims? ‘What are you talking about?’ Kim Hyun Joon's tone was antagonistic. ‘Did you not know about this?’ Kim Hyun Joon’s eyes seemed pained but he tried to remain calm.
Kang Gi Hyeong was uncertain whether the younger profiler was
pretending to be ignorant of the notoriety of the administrator of the centre
and the sexual harassment that was going on during that time.
But, Kim Hyun Joon's face was full of pain. Was he bitter about how the interrogation was being handled?
But still, Kang pressed on, ‘Kim Jung Soo, the Chief of Administration, had consistently harassed boys in the Youth Training Centre.’
What he was implying was that the person in a position of trust was abusing those who were placed under his charge. Those young people were victims of neglect and sexual assault.
‘Those who were harassed by him,’ Kang pronounced slowly but clearly, ‘included Kang Ho Young, Choi Sang Ho, and another victim whose sexual humiliation was witnessed by Mo Ji Eun.’ Kang purposely rubbed it in his face when he added pointedly - ‘Kim Tae Joon, your brother.’ Kim Hyun Joon’s eyes locked in on his. Was the Team Leader trying to humiliate or intimidate him? Those in the observation room who were viewing the goings-on through the one-way mirror must have been stunned. Detective Tae was not only astonished but he had second thoughts about Kim Hyun Joo’s guilt in the case.
On the contrary. The Team Leader watched Kim Hyun Joon’s face for his reaction. Kim Hyun Joon’s veneer of calm was breaking. He felt his defences melt away.
Kang continued mercilessly, ‘It was unfortunate that your brother was victimised and Mo Ji Eun witnessed it. He would have felt ashamed.’
Kim Tae Joon would not want his younger brother to learn about it precisely because Kim Tae Joon was like a perfect substitute father to Kim Hyun Joon.
‘That’s why your brother met up with Mo Ji Eun to find out how much she knew. He might have tried to stop her from talking.’
The younger profiler was probably embarrassed by the older man's arguments. It was clear that pain and anguish had crept into his being.
Pinning Kim Hyun Joon down with his eyes, Kang Gi Hyeong asked
triumphantly ‘What do you think? Tell me if I’ve made any mistakes in my
To say that Kim Hyun Joon’s demeanour had thawed considerably is an understatement. Tears seemed to have welled up in his eyes. Feeling that he was trapped and being swallowed alive, he exploded, ‘You’re talking nonsense! The fury that spread across his face could be better compared to the deadly eruption of a volcano than a raging forest fire. He was deeply hurt and disappointed by his Team Leader’s ill-chosen questions. They reflected the older man’s utter distrust and deep suspicion of him. What was the implication of the profile of Kim Hyun Joon? Kang Gi Hyeon had spelled it out clearly to him. Kim Hyun Joon was dishonest as he was trying to subvert the truth. On the surface, he seemed to be trying to find out the truth but the fact was he, out of fear, was trying to hide the fact that his brother was the real murderer. Kim Hyun Joon was emotionally aroused and bellowed at the older man to keep his trap shut. ‘Shut your mouth!’ He leapt suddenly to his feet and leaned threateningly over the table.
Though seated, Kang Gi Hyeong did not let up. He was calm and waiting to strike, not like a rattlesnake, but like an anaconda. He wanted to talk about the latest incident.
‘Did you really fail to meet Kang Ho Young that day? It was clear what Team Leader Kang was implying.
Kim Hyun Joon’s defences had completely melted away. He, an emotional wreck by then, couldn’t believe his ears.
He was shocked by the Team Leader’s insinuation. His eyes were glistening with tears. How could his Team Leader harbour even the faintest suspicion of him?
By now, Kang Gi Hyeong, coiling himself around Kim Hyun Joon, unceremoniously dealt Kim Hyun Joon the fatal blow. ‘Did you murder Kang Ho Young so that you could cover up the whole affair?’
Stunned only momentarily, Kim Hyun Joon lurched forward violently to drag Team Leader Kang up. His emotions were a mixture of fury and bewilderment. The lack of trust on Kang Gi Hyeon’s part made him feel betrayed. His eyes were smouldering and tears threatened to spill out.
Kim Hyun Joon roared, ‘What do you know? You don’t know anything! I told you to shut up!’
Their faces were close. Eyeballing him, Kang Gi Hyeong drove home the final nail with his shocking question. Repetition was impactful. He did not mince his words when he repeated, ‘Tell me, did you kill him? The question rang like the loud pealing of a bell.
Kim Hyun Joon had been pushed over the edge. He thundered at his superior to zip up his mouth. Not fighting his beastly emotions, he made a vicious grab at his superior. They were soon entwined in a ferocious struggle. Team Leader Kang shoved him and swept him across the table. The voice recorder tumbled to the floor. There was a scuffle as both thrust their body at the other. Team Leader Kang pushed him to the wall.
The situation was chaotic. The NCI team members were worried but
instincts told Ha Sun Woo that their Team Leader might have a game plan in
Indeed, he had and during the struggle, he ordered Kim Hyun Joon to listen carefully and to act naturally. He revealed his suspicions that someone in the local police force might be helping the murderer, Kim Jung Soo to cover up his tracks. The Nadeul River murder case had remained an unsolved puzzle for 14 years. Kang Ho Young was scared that he would be a target of the murderer so he had kept some evidence of the murders as an insurance against threats on his life. He wouldn’t tell the police because he distrusted them. Team Manager Kang predicted that the murder accomplice in the police force would soon make a move.
Ha Sun Woo, upon receiving some information from Nana Wang about
Kim Jung Soo’s location, immediately entered the interview room and
whispered in the Team Leader’s ear.